Blueocean: A Website Design by Sixty Two

Providing Affordable Access to Market Data for Brand Owners and Marketers

Blueocean came to Sixty Two with an existing offline business model. They sought our help to reduce and minimize human personnel needs by taking their services online so that they are able to expand their client base while still providing the best degree of their services.

Blueocean, designed by Sixty Two, is a website that aims to provide affordable access to market data for brand owners and marketers. The goal is to allow them to proactively build a solid business strategy by offering features such as brand personality assessments, content checks, competitor benchmark analysis, and actionable suggestions. The platform offers seamless visualization and an easy experience, enabling brand owners and marketers to understand millions of market data and gain insights to help them strategize and stay ahead of competitors.

The design of Blueocean is unique in its focus on affordability and accessibility. By taking their services online, Blueocean is able to expand its client base while still maintaining the high quality of their services. The website is designed to be responsive, allowing users to access it via a laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone. The platform streamlines the process of getting a brand assessment by offering a short/free version that leads to the full assessment. The design is clean, energetic, and professional, catering to business users.

The project to design Blueocean started in October 2019 and was completed in December 2019. The design team, consisting of Angelina Tanoto, Adiatma Bani, and Vilia Ingriany, was based in Jakarta, Indonesia. While no formal usability research was conducted during the design process, all designs were validated through pilot tests with a number of business users.

The design challenges for this project included creating a user-friendly flow to allow users to get their brand assessment and creating complex visualizations of their brand identity that are easy to understand. Despite these challenges, Sixty Two successfully created a design that meets Blueocean's goals and provides brand owners and marketers with the tools they need to make informed business decisions.

This Design was awarded Bronze in the A' Website and Web Design Awards in 2021. The Bronze A' Design Award is bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Sixty Two
Image Credits: Sixty Two Blueocean
Project Team Members: Angelina Tanoto Adiatma Bani Vilia Ingriany
Project Name: Blueocean
Project Client: Sixty Two

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